RDU Small Business Programs

The Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority is committed to creating a level playing field on which small businesses, specifically minority and women-owned businesses and disadvantaged business enterprises, can participate in an environment that removes barriers, ensures non-discrimination, and provides the tools necessary to compete successfully in RDUAA contracts and procurements and the larger marketplace outside of the small business programs.

The Small Business Programs Office:

  • Serves as a liaison between small businesses and Airport Authority staff
  • Provides information and various referral services for small businesses
  • Assists Prime Contractors in identifying minority and women-owned small businesses with which to achieve MWSB or DBE/ACDBE participation goals
  • Educates minority and women-owned small businesses on how to access contracting and procurement opportunities
  • Hosts and facilitates opportunities for networking and business development among firms interested in procurement and contracting opportunities
  • Monitors MWSB/DBE/ACDBE participation in all Authority contracts and procurements

The Airport Authority administers two small business programs:

Minority and Women-Owned Small Business Program (MWSB)
The Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority Minority and Women-Owned Small Business (MWSB) Program encourages and fosters the inclusion of minority and women-owned small businesses in the Authority’s business activities, including the procurement of goods and services as well as leasing and development. The Airport Authority requires that each business partner make good faith efforts to promote this policy throughout its engagement with the Airport Authority. The MWSB Program applies to all of the Airport Authority’s state and airport funded contracts and procurement activities. Learn more about the MWSB program.

MWSB Program Criteria
For the purposes of the Airport Authority’s MWSB program, a MWSB is a small business as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) that is owned and controlled by a person who is: Black American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native American or female.

The Airport Authority accepts the following certifications for participation in the MWSB program:

  • N.C. Department of Transportation: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
  • Small Business Administration: SBA 8(a) Business Development Certification (SBA 8(a))
  • Women’s Business Enterprise National Council: Women Owned Small Business (WOSB)
  • Firms which hold the three certifications listed above or DBE certification from any state should not submit a Business Size Verification Form.

Additionally, the Airport Authority accepts the following certifications for participation in the MWSB program:

  • N.C. Department of Administration: Historically Underutilized Businesses (NCDOA HUB)*
  • Carolinas-Virginias Minority Supplier Development Council (CVMSDC), or any affiliate council of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)*

*Firms which hold these certifications must submit the Business Size Verification Form and supporting documentation to the Small Business Office in order to be used to meet MWSB participation goals.

How to Register as an MWSB Firm
In order to register as an MWSB with the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority, please submit the firm’s most recent letter of certification from an accepted agency to smallbusiness@rdu.com. Firms may also be required to verify business size by submitting the Business Size Verification Form and supplemental documentation.

Find MWSB Firms
RDUAA MWSB Directory
NCDOT Directory of Firms (DBE Only)
NCDOA HUB Directory (requires Business Size Verification form and documentation)

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

The DBE Program was created to provide a level playing field for small minority- and women-owned companies that wish to do business with RDU on federally-funded contracts. The Airport Authority’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program is administered in accordance with the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

RDU DBE Program
FY 2023-2025 DBE Goal

DBE Certification
Businesses interested in becoming certified as DBEs must complete and submit an application through the N.C. Unified Certification Program (NCUCP) to the N.C. Department of Transportation. Upon approval, these companies can be used by RDU to meet the DBE goals for federally-funded contracts.

Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE)
The Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program is designed to increase the opportunities for minority- and women-owned small businesses to operate as concessionaires in the airport or provide goods and services related to the airport concessions program. The Airport Authority’s Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Program is administered in accordance with the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Proposed FY 2024-2026 ACDBE Goals

ACDBE Program
FY 2020-2023 ACDBE Goals

ACDBE Certification
Firms seeking work as ACDBEs with the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority are certified through the airport’s Small Business Programs Office . Prospective business partners should complete the forms provided by NC DOT DBE and submit to RDU’s Small Business Programs Office.

Business Opportunity Events
View presentations from previous business opportunity events: https://www.rdu.com/businessexpo/

For more information on the Authority’s small business programs, contact the Small Business Programs Office: smallbusiness@rdu.com