TTA bus at RDU

Bus and Rail Service To and From RDU

Raleigh-Durham International Airport is located in the center of the Research Triangle Region. The GoTriangle Route 100 and RDU Shuttle bus routes provides public bus service from RDU to its Regional Transit Center, where riders can connect to bus routes throughout the region.

  • At Terminal 1, pick up GoTriangle service between Zone 2/3
  • At Terminal 2, pick up GoTriangle service at Zone 6/7

Train and Bus Service
Passengers who need to connect to national bus and/or train service can arrange transportation through one of our transportation service providers. Bus and rail stations are located in Cary, Raleigh and Durham.


Provider Name

Provider Location

Phone Number


(800) 872-7245

Regional Buses

Provider Name

Provider Location

Phone Number

Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, RTP

(919) 485-7433

Intercity Buses

Provider Name

Provider Location

Phone Number

Durham, Raleigh

(800) 231-2222