You’re Invited To See  And Shape RDU’s Future

We invite you to join us for our third set of public workshops to be held in June to learn the progress we’ve made on our Vision2040 Master Plan that will guide RDU’s development for the next 25 years.

DSC_0381We’ve analyzed the potential aviation needs of our community through the year 2040 and have nine proposals for how RDU could develop over that time period. We welcome your feedback at the workshops as we work to narrow and select a preferred alternative development scenario.

Public involvement is critical to our success, so don’t miss out. Plan to join us during the following times and give us your opinions on the plans.

Wake County: Wednesday, June 1, 6-8 p.m.
Wake County Commons Building
4011 Carya Dr., Raleigh, 27610

Durham County: Thursday, June 2, 6-8 p.m.
Durham Armory
220 Foster St., Durham, NC 27701

At each workshop, we’ll share nine conceptual airport development layouts that focus on airfield improvements dealing with runways and taxiways and landside changes that may be needed in terminals, parking, roadways, ground transportation, general aviation and other support facilities.

Master plan consultants from Ricondo & Associates Inc. will present the development alternatives and the public will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions at information stations. Of the nine alternatives presented at the meeting, four will be selected for future study and are likely to be made up of elements from the various concepts.

The alternatives take into account Ricondo’s findings around inventory of airport facilities, forecast of air services and economic trends, projections for passenger and cargo use and analysis of other factors expected to affect the airport’s future.

Following these workshops, we will evaluate public feedback and present four concepts later in the summer. We also plan to hold a workshop at a later date to discuss land use for airport property that is not directly needed for core aeronautical purposes. By late summer or early fall we expect to select a preferred development alternative.

We hope to see you on June 1 and 2! All materials from the workshops and summaries will be posted on the Vision2040 website following the June 2 workshop.