RDU anticipates ending 2023 with bustling passenger traffic that could exceed the record set in 2019. The busy winter holiday season begins this week and lasts through New Year.
“RDU expects to close out 2023 with strong passenger traffic after a year of announcing new airlines, adding new destinations and welcoming more passengers than we have since 2019,” said Michael Landguth, president and CEO of the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority. “As the year draws to a close, we are grateful to the millions of airport guests who chose RDU for their travels.”
More than 403,000 people are projected to travel through the TSA security checkpoints between Fri., Dec. 15 and Tues., Jan. 2, with a total of approximately 806,000 passengers flying over the 19-day winter holiday period. Projections indicate RDU will serve about 22.5 percent more passengers than the same period last year, and two percent more than 2019, RDU’s busiest year. The busiest day of travel is expected to be Sun., Dec. 24 with nearly 54,000 people traveling through RDU.
RDU is taking steps to provide a smooth experience during the holiday season by working with partners including the airlines and TSA to anticipate staffing needs. The airport will also increase the number of Guest Experience ambassadors during peak hours to assist guests with their travel needs.
How to Travel Safely with Firearms: In recent weeks, the TSA has seen an uptick in the number of firearms detected at security checkpoints at RDU. Bringing a firearm to a security checkpoint can lead to a civil penalty of up to $15,000 and a loss of TSA PreCheck® eligibility for a period of up to five years. Those passengers will also receive enhanced screening at security checkpoints during future travels. Passengers may travel with a firearm, but it must be properly packed, declared to the airline and left at the ticket counter. For detailed instructions, please visit https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition.