The Selection Process
There are four steps in the competitive selection process:
Staff determines the basic business terms including type of business, location, length of lease, minimum acceptable bid, proposal conditions, rental rate, required and optional merchandise or services, operational requirements and construction and improvement requirements.
Either a Request for Proposals or a Request for Bids (RFP or RFB, respectively) is issued which describes the business opportunity and establishes the qualification requirements for prospective proposers or bidders. This includes a draft lease and market data and provides instructions about how to submit a proposal. The document also includes the selection criteria that the Authority will use in evaluating the proposal.
Informational Conference
Once the opportunity is made available to the public, the Airport Authority conducts an informational conference. The purpose of the conference is to review and explain the selection process and agreement specifications. It is also an opportunity for participants to provide input for staff’s consideration. Notices are sent to the participants of any changes to the qualifying criteria, business terms or selection process.
Determining the Successful Proposal
RFB: All bids are opened at the same time in a public meeting. Staff announces the highest amount tendered as the “apparent successful bidder.” Staff then reviews the submittals to ensure that the minimum qualifications are met.
RFP: Proposals are accepted by mail or in person. All proposals are evaluated and ranked by a panel using the criteria developed earlier in the process. The RFP is most often used for concession selections.
The Airport Authority President and CEO and the Board of Directors, which is the Airport’s governing body, approves the award of concession agreements. The successful bidder or proposer then becomes an Airport tenant.
The process may take up to one year to complete.
The Airport Authority works with tenants throughout the design and construction phases. Check our Resources page to learn more about design and construction standards.
Proposers that are not awarded an agreement are welcome to request a proposal debrief.