Real Estate Information
Homebuyers concerned about aircraft noise should visit the potential home site on several days at different times of day to observe aircraft operations. The peak times to observe air traffic are early mornings between 6:00AM and 9:00AM and evenings between 5:30PM and 9:00PM. Please note that aircraft arrive and depart from RDU 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Flight tracks can be viewed in real time using the RDU Flight Tracking System. To learn more about the potential aircraft noise impacts for a specific property, contact the Noise Office at or 919-840-2100 extension 3.
Noise Disclosure
The Residential Property Disclosure Act (North Carolina General Statute 47E) requires residential disclosure for resale of homes. Noise disclosure is necessary for resale of homes located within the noise-impacted areas surrounding RDU. (Example aircraft noise notifications: Durham County, Wake County)
Please be advised of the following exemption in the residential disclosure law: Newly built homes being sold for first time occupancy are exempt from disclosure by law. A seller of a new home built in a noise-impacted area can choose not to disclose noise. If you buy a newly built home in a noise-impacted area, you will have to disclose noise should you choose to resell the home. If you have any questions about noise disclosure, please call the Noise Office at 919-840-2100 ext. 3.
Noise-impacted areas surrounding RDU are shown on the RDU Composite Noise Contour Map that is available here. This map is interactive and by using the search bar in the upper right corner, properties can be located by entering an address. The RDU Composite Noise Contour Map does not indicate all areas where aircraft noise will be observed on the ground. Rather, this map shows areas expected to experience average noise impacts above 55 dB DNL (Day-Night Noise Level – areas inside the green contour on the map). Aircraft and their associated noise can and will be observed outside of these contours.
*Terms and Resources used on this page can be located by clicking here.